Thursday, July 20, 2006

Answers to Exercises for the Blog Grammar Exercises

Suggested answers: (nouns evercise)

1. We went the Graywood Park and got an idea when we saw the birds in the pond. Graywood Park - concrete, proper; idea - abstract, common; birds - concrete, common; pond -concrete, common

2. Using a piece of wood, we saw that Robert could actually lift the men sitting on the benches next to us.
piece - concrete, common; wood - concrete, common; Robert - concrete, proper; men -concrete, common; benches - concrete, common

3. Because we live at Hawaii, all we see is water, sand, and waves.
Hawaii - concrete, proper; water - concrete, common; sand - concrete, common; waves -concrete, commmon

4. Communication is a very important process to all people.
communication - abstract, common; process - abstract, common; people - concrete, common

5. Mary is filled with happiness today because justice has been served by the judge.
Mary - concrete, proper; happiness - abstract, common, justice - abstract, common, judge -concrete, common

6. My folder fell out of my briefcase and landed somewhere on Green Drive.
folder - concrete, common; briefcase - concrete, common; Green Drive - concrete, proper

7. During the storm, the Raymonds lost our power, but nevertheless, they were still happy. storm - concrete, common; Raymonds - concrete, proper; power - concrete, common

8. The Statue of Liberty displays love to everyone.
Statue of Liberty - concrete, proper; love - abstract, common

9. The ability to talk is a very powerful advantage.
ability - abstract, common; advantage - abstract, common

10. The muffins sat in the oven as the fire crackled.
muffins - concrete, common; oven - concrete, common; fire - concrete, common

A. Basic Coordinating Conjunctions
1. so
2. but
3. or
4. and
5. but
6. but
7. so
8. or
9. and
10. so

B. Basic Subordinating Conjunction
1. although
2. because
3. Whereas
4. while
5. because
6. since
7. even though
8. as

Adjective and Adverb Exercises
1. He correctly defined the terms. The answer sounded correct.

2. She quickly adjusted the fees. She adapted quickly to any situation.

3. He measured the floor exactly. They proved to be perfectly exact measurements.

4. The stillness of the tomb was awful. The tomb was awfully still.

5. It was a dangerous lake to swim in. The man was dangerously drunk. The gas smelled dangerous.

6. She performed magnificently. It was a magnificently beautiful performance.

7. Her voice sounds beautiful. She sang the song exactly as it was written. We heard it perfectly.

8. He was very sensible person. He acted very sensibly.

9. Mike wrote too slowly on the exam. He always writes slowly.

10. Talk softly or don't talk at all. The music played softly.

11. Andrea knows the material very well. She always treats us well.

12. You must send payments regularly. We deal on a strictly cash basis.

13. The mechanic's tools were good. The foreman said that his work was well done.

14. She worked carefully with the sick child. She was a very careful worker.

15. He did not pass the course as easily as he thought he would.

16. I find this novel very interesting. It was interestingly written.

In the following sentence, cross out the incorrect words and write in the correct form in the blanks. If the sentence is correct as it is, write "correct" in the blank. (Suggested answers)

1. correct
2. had
3. surely
4. differently
5. bad...well
6. nearly
7. odd
8. correct
9. safe
10. clearly

Suggested Answers: Identifying Parts of Speech (exercises)

1. BOY - noun
2. FRUIT - noun
3. WILL TAKE - verb
4. ARE WRITING - verb
5. THINKS - adjective
6. BLUE - noun
7. SAD - noun
8. FLY - verb
9. FLY - noun
10. LIGHT - noun
11. LIGHT - verb
12. LIGHT - adjective
13. LIGHTLY - adverb


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